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Technology Rulers of the near future:
We have been witnessing changes in IT technology spectrum in every 10 – 12 years. Started with computer revolution in IT from Mainframe Computer age and slowly the PC technologies were able to dominate. As we observed in recent years that we see the exile of PCs and it is being replaced with Mobile technologies (Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry, etc). The mobile changes gathered momentum in 2012 itself. We are IN THE CHANGE at present. These changes would see its peak in 3-5 years time, means that we can see lots of IT opportunities in Mobile Application Development and Mobile Infrastructure Management space in 2014-2016.
Coming to Analytics, we are in the middle
of the data explosion as you can feel. Data..
Data.. Data… Data Everywhere! Why are we generating data? To get useful
information. We are good in analysing the structured data (RDBMS) so far. But
what we are generating now majorly is the un/semi structured data (Documents,
Social sharing, Machine data, Logs, Images, Videos, Weather, Sensors, Traffic, etc.).
Do we have technologies to analyse this huge volume of data and bring useful
information to us? YES, but we require a better technologies because existing
analytics technologies were good to handle structured data and limited volume.
So, BigData (Hadoop) came to rule now.
Opportunity Landscape:
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good news is that Java is accepted as development language for both Hadoop Map
Reduce programs and Google Android for Mobile App Development.
If we
don’t change our gear (Upgrade our skills) now, we will become an audience than
a player.
This blog post is contributed by:
V.S. Kumar
Director - Operations, Axiom Semantics
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